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Jangan lupa membaca artikel tentang bisnis di > Informasi bisnis terbaik 2020.

Soal UN SMP/MTS 2011/2012

For questions 46 to 48 choose the correct words to complete the text.

Yogyakarta is an artwork buyer’s paradise because a lot of well‐known artist originated from this place. These … (46) artists have influenced local artisans in silver, leather, batik and other branches of craft.
Even wood, rattan and bamboo, can be … (47) into very attractive craft items. Not only for home, but also used in international hotels. One can find these items … (48) in several stores along Malioboro street, the main street of Yogyakarta.

46. ….
A. Common
B. Famous
C. Beautiful
D. Unpopular

47. ….
A. Made
B. Called
C. Brought
D. Bought

48. ….
A. Carefully
B. Readily
C. Slowly
D. Easily

Sumber https://englishahkam.blogspot.com/

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Luqman Hakim
Luqman Hakim Hi, I'm Luqman.The key of success is start from now, from the little what will you do now.